Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, the generation P Tortalls went on vacation with their respective fiances. And now on with the story.
Peachblossom and Kelsey wasted no time in getting married. They only waited long enough to get better clothes than the ones they grew up into.
Peachblossom playing with the cat that I still don't remember the name of.
Kelsey's pregnant!
Onua and Lana aged into elders. They still look good.
Nuritin rocking out at the Music career reward object. Don't remember who earned it.
Peachblossom and Kelsey remain adorable together.
Nuritin dancing to her daughter-in-law's playing. I don't know what it is about them using this in their outerwear.
Baby bump #2!
The Tortalls have learned the vacation greetings from Kelsey and Peachblossom.
Kelsey soon gave birth to a baby girl named Quicksilver.
Quicksilver is named after one of the sparrows that followed Keladry and helped provide intelligence for Keladry and the other knights that were with her.
Peachblossom and Kelsey waste no time in trying for another.
Sly is a wonderful great-grandmother.
Pembery was over. You can totally see how I do not play my spares that often. Pembery is still in the outfit she was in when she left University.
Sly died.
Sly Tortall: spouse to the generation N heiress
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: The Law (met)
Wife: Nuritin
Children: Ozorne, Onua, Oranie
Grandchildren: Petranne, Pembery, Peachblossom, Piers
Great-Grandchildren (while alive): Quicksilver
Nuritin was devastated at the loss of her wife. Peachblossom was there to give his great-grandmother a hug for comfort.
Soon it was evident that Kelsey was pregnant. Circle of life.
Nuritin died.
Nuritin Tortall: generation N heiress
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Ecological Guru (met)
Wife: Sly Tortall
Children: Ozorne, Onua, Oranie
Grandchildren: Petranne, Pembery, Peachblossom, Piers
Great-grandchildren (while alive): Quicksilver
And that's it for this chapter!
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