Raoul and Tahlia waste absolutely no time in working towards bringing in the next generation!

They do tie the knot before the first baby bump arrives however.

Typical evening at the Tortall residence. Someone makes dinner and people eat whenever.

Peachblossom and Kelsey are still madly in love. Kaco's telling Quedanga a joke she's likely heard a bunch before.
Quedanga lost her hair due to some CC shuffling I was doing.

Baby bumps! Nothing really interesting happens for a couple of days.

Three generations of Tortalls eating breakfast at the same time.

The Tortalls finally realize they have a pool table.

Birth time!

To triplets. Of which, this is the only baby picture.
The picture is of Saraiyu Tortall.
Saraiyu Tortall is named after Saraiyu Balitang, a high ranking noble of the Copper Isles.
Following Saraiyu's birth is Shinkokami Tortall. Shinkokami is named after Princess Shinkokami, the wife of Crown Prince Roald of Tortall.
The final birth of this pregnancy resulted in Stefan. Stefan is named after Stefan Groomsman, the man in charge of taking care of the knights' horses, including breeding them.

Tahlia and Peachblossom continued to make use of the pool table.

Raoul and Tahlia soon got to work on more kids.

Queenclaw invited herself over and played pool with Kaco.

The triplets aged to toddler.
Saraiyu is first.
She's got elf ears behind that hair.
Her personality is: 5/8/4/6/10.

Next up is Shinkokami who also has elf ears.
Shinkokami's personality is: 8/1/9/6/1.

And Stefan was the last to age up.
Stefan also has elf ears and his personality is: 6/10/4/6/8.

Shinkokami ends up in the dog bed before I realize it.

Peachblossom doing what he can to help out and teaching Saraiyu to walk.

I never realized toddlers would watch fish. I'm not surprised, I have just never seen it until now and this isn't the first set of toddlers in this house.

They all want to mess with Shinkokami. But she's sleeping. So they get told to go do something useful. Because standing in the corner queue stomping all day because the action gets cancelled due to Shinkokami being sleeping is not productive.

Baby bump!

Kaco helping out by teaching Shinkokami to walk. And the maid cleaned up the mess the next day.

Kaco and Peachblossom teaching Saraiyu and Stefan to talk, respectively.

Raoul giving Stefan a bath. Much to my chagrin. Much quicker to let them soil themselves since they haven't learned to potty yet.

Raoul teaching Shinkokami to talk.

And birth time!

Tahlia gives birth to a single baby boy this time. He is named Si-cham. Si-cham is named after the magical instructor who taught Thom of Trebond magic. Thom of Trebond is twin brother of the main character in the Song of the Lioness quartet.

The triplets soon age to childhood. They're still adorable.

Si-cham soon aged to toddler. He does have elf ears.
His personality is: 8/1/9/10/1.

The triplets watching television together.

Raoul teaching Si-cham to walk.

Kaco and Quedanga have aged into elders gracefully.

Four generations of Tortalls at the the table for lunch. Stefan's int he middle having had a hair change.

Si-cham soon aged to childhood and he's just as adorable as his siblings.

This bunch of Tortalls loves dancing.

And missed the initial freeze on Kelsey's death.
Kelsey Tortall: spouse to the generation P heir
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Chief of Staff (met)
Husband: Peachblossom
Children: Quicksilver, Quinden, Queenclaw, Quartz, Quedanga, Qovold, Qasim
Grandchildren: Raoul, Rispah, Rihani
Great-Grandchildren (while alive): Saraiyu, Shinkokami, Stefan, Si-cham

Qafi came over autonomously and comforted his older half-sister.
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