First thing that happens is Bridgette gives birth to twin boys named Thom and Tobeis. Thom is the one with the blue eyes, Tobeis is the one with the alien eyes.
Thom is named after Thom of Trebond the twin brother of Alanna in The Lioness Quartet. Tobeis is named after Tobeis Boon the child who Keladry hires as a servant in Lady Knight.

Thayet aged up to child! She's still gorgeous!

Stefan and Tkaa chatting one night.

Bridgette and Stefan are wonderful parents.

Bridgette teaching Thayet to study.

Thom aged to toddler! He's cute! His personality is 6/8/4/6/8.

As with all twins, Thom aging to toddler means that so did Tobeis. He's also adorable. His personality is 6/3/6/10/10.

Stefan dancing with Thayet.

Tkaa and Thayet playing while Bridgette studies with the thinking cap on.

These two are still madly in love.

Tkaa aged to teen. His aspiration is Pleasure and his LTW is Adventurer.

Si-cham is over and is making himself at home with the pool table.

Tkaa and Thayet are still friends with each other and hanging out.

Thom and Tobeis are children and are both still adorable.

Three generation of Tortalls!

Thayet aged to teenager and she's gorgeous like her namesake! Her aspiration is Family and her LTW is to be a City Planner.

Stefan playing the piano again while Tahlia and Raoul chat.

Thom aged to teenager and he's handsome. His aspiration is Knowledge and his LTW is to be a Mad Scientist.

Quedanga making herself useful as a ghost by taking out the trash.

Tobeis then aged up to teenager and is handsome like his twin. His aspiration is Fortune and he wants to become an Icon.

Tkaa playing pool.

Nealan is over and at some point the Tortalls got a genie lamp.

Just a usual day except that Thayet beat Stefan to the piano.

Stefan aged up to elder.

And like with Quedanga, I missed getting a facial picture of Tahlia for her death.
Tahlia Tortall: spouse to generation R spouse
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Golden Anniversary (don't remember if she met it, but she died in platinum)
Husband: Raoul Tortall
Children: Saraiyu, Shinkokami, Stefan, Si-cham
Grandchildren (while alive): Tkaa, Thayet, Thom, Tobeis

Raoul went on the same night as Tahlia, though his was when he got home from work.
Raoul Tortall: Generation R Heir
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Ecological Guru (like with Tahlia, not sure if he met it, but he was platinum aspiration at death)
Wife: Tahlia Tortall
Children: Saraiyu, Shinkokami, Stefan, Si-cham
Grandchildren (while alive): Tkaa, Thayet, Thom, Tobeis

The generation T Tortalls hanging out one afternoon.

Bridgette is also now an elder. They are still in love with each other.
Who will the next heir be and who will he or she marry? Find out in chapters to come!
Author's Note:
I'm aware of the photos in chapters prior to Chapter 18.1 are showing with a lovely photobucket watermark. I do plan on working on fixing those. But it is SimNaNo this month and my focus is my BACC. I'm only posting new chapters here as the Tortalls have moved to my BACC so I needed to get the Tortalls caught up. I have hundreds of pictures to upload and correct or I would just go and fix it right now.
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