Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy! In the last chapter, Uuosae and Kaia got married and had Volorin, Volney, and Vereyu.
We start off with Volney aging to child.

Kaia maxed out her Body skill.

Just a normal day at the Tortall residence. Volorin playing with dolls, Tkaa and Volney socializing, and Uuosae working on her Logic skill.

Vereyu aged up to a very adorable toddler.

Vereyu got her talking training started by Aeryn.

One of the local residents came home from school with Volorin. If I recall correctly, it's Aya Briggs.

Tkaa got tasked with teaching Vereyu to walk.

Uline stopped by for a visit.

I love this interaction. So realistic.

Volorin and Volney playing cops and robbers.

Vereyu soon ages up, continuing to be very adorable.

And since the neighborhood has had an Education Minister, the neighborhood can now have kids enter Private School, so we invite the headmaster over since Vereyu is now a child.
They succeed in getting in.

Tkaa died of old age not long after the three got into private school.
Aspiration: Pleasure
LTW: Space Pirate, Celebrity Chef (unsure if met), Professional Party Guest
Husband: Aeryn Tortall
Children: Uuosae, Uline, Ulasim
Grandchildren (while alive): Volorin, Volney, Vereyu, Troy Montes, Susanne Tortall, Isabel Tortall

And I missed getting a picture of both Volorin and Volney aging to teenager.
Voloron's aspiration is Fortune/Pleasure. His LTW is Head of the SCIA.
Volney's aspiration is Plasure/Romance. His LTW is Captain Hero.

And we end with the ghosts of the game doing what they do best and haunting the place and scaring Sims. Tkaa ended up scaring Vereyu.
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