Welcome back to the Tortall Legacy! In the last chapter, the generation V kids grew up and Tkaa died of old age.
Aeryn Tortall: spouse to generation T heir
Aspiration: Family/Popularity
LTW: Hall of Famer (met)
Husband: Tkaa Tortall
Children: Uuosae, Ulasim, Uline
Grandchildren: Volorin Tortall, Volney Tortall, Vereyu Tortall, Susanne Tortall, Isabel Tortall, Troy Montes

Vereyu aged up to a teenager not long after.
Her aspiration is Pleasure with a secondary of Popularity. Her LTW is to be a Rock God.

Vereyu autonomously started painting. I find it amusing that you can become a Rock God in Sims 2 after raising your creativity skill through painting and not playing a musical instrument.

One of my rules in my BACC neighborhood is that all teens in private school must have some form of employment. Be it through a part time job or by running or help run a player owned business. Volney and Vereyu here brought home coworkers.

Burglar showed up one night. Was able to get the police over in time for the burglar to be arrested.

Volorin got his first kiss from neighbor Isabelle Briggs. I realized the naming similarity with their cousin after it was too late to change the name without mods and since the spelling was different, I let it slide. Not sure if this pair will end becoming a couple or not. Time will tell.

Uuosae and Kaia soon aged to elder. And Uuosae got a new outfit as the CC outfit she aged up into was deleting her legs.

Soon, I sent Volorin and Volney to college.
Here is Volorin talking with the fitness enthusiast. He's got some bolts with her. He's in the Political Science major in preparation for his Intelligence career.

But here we have Volney. Our generation V heir getting his first kiss with Katlyn Brennan.
Volney is in the Mathematics major in preparation for his Architecture career.
Katlyn's LTW is to be a General and she's in the Political Science major just like Volorin.
All three graduate with 4.0's.

And the final thing of note that happens, happens at the Tortall lot while Volorin and Volney are at college.
Kaia catches the stove on fire. Luckily, no one died.
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