Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, Petranne and Pembery aged to teenagers, Piers was born, and Kelli passed away from old age. And now on with the story.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Chapter 15.4 - Loss
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter Petranne, Pembery, and Peachblossom grew older and joined Private School and Lana ended up pregnant due to ACR. And now on with the story.
Chapter 15.3 - Surprise
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter Petranne and Pembery aged to children and Peachblossom was born. And now on with the story.
Chapter 15.2 - Life as Usual
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter Onua and Lana got married, Nuritin and Sly aged to elder, Marek built and activated a servo named Beka, and twins Petranne and Pembery were born. And now on with the story.
Chapter 15.1 - Robots and Babies
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter, the Tortalls went to college. Ozorne and Onua fought a lot with the dormie that was making moves on Oranie. Ozorne got engaged to a random dormie. Onua, the heiress, got engaged to Lana. And now on with the story.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Chapter 14.3 - Love and Fights
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter Oranie was born and the three generation O Tortalls grew up. And now on with the story!
Chapter 14.2 - Growing Up
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter Nuritin and Sly tied knot and began on producing the next generation. Ozorne and Onua were born. And at the very end of the chapter Marek almost died from heat stroke, but was saved by his wife Kelli. And now on with the story.
Chapter 14.1 - Life and Death
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter, the generation N Tortalls went to college and graduated with honors. And now on with the story.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Chapter 13.3 - Fighting Love
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, the Tortalls got moved to another universe and the generation N Tortalls grew up. And now on with the story!
Chapter 13.2 - Moving On
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, Marek and Maura married their loves and had kids. They also got "moved" to a new neighborhood via recreation due to neighborhood corruption. And now on with the story!
Chapter 13.1 - Living Life
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, the generation M Tortalls went to college and Hoshi learned of a threat to the Tortall family. Now on with the story!
Monday, September 12, 2016
Chapter 12.3 - Troubled Skies
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, the twins and quads grew up and Joren and Ame passed away. Now on with the story.
We'll start with the usual here are the stats.
We'll start with the usual here are the stats.
Chapter 12.2 - Full House
Welcome back to the Tortall legacy. In the last chapter Meg and Lianne got married. They had twins and then turned around and had quads. And now on with the story.

Kyprioth teaching Maura to talk.
Kyprioth teaching Maura to talk.
Chatper 12.1 - A Growing Family
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, the Tortalls went to college. Lianne got engaged to Meg and several of the spares decided to start falling for each other. Now on with the story.

Lindhall and Brie got married.
Lindhall and Brie got married.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Chapter 11.3 - Family Reunion II
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy. In the last chapters of the story, Kyprioth and Cece had three kids, Lalasa, Lindhall, and Lianne. And they all grew up. Now on with the story.

First up is to introduce the Sims at the dorm since it's more than just the heiress and spares and spouse.
First up is to introduce the Sims at the dorm since it's more than just the heiress and spares and spouse.
Chapter 11.2 - Where'd it Go?
This was supposed to be the chapter where Lindhall and Lianne grow up to teenagers. I even had the family start up a business, a restaurant, and they ran it for a bit. But I didn't play it for long and it didn't get to rank 10.
But the back up version I grabbed from the Exchange before it got permanently shut down got corrupted somehow. And the original pictures are sitting on my old hard drive. That died due to mechanical failure so there's no way to get the pictures off of it. It doesn't even rev up when you power it up.
So that's where that chapter went. Went the way of corrupted files, shut down sites, and failed hard drives.
But the back up version I grabbed from the Exchange before it got permanently shut down got corrupted somehow. And the original pictures are sitting on my old hard drive. That died due to mechanical failure so there's no way to get the pictures off of it. It doesn't even rev up when you power it up.
So that's where that chapter went. Went the way of corrupted files, shut down sites, and failed hard drives.
Chapter 11.1 - Love and Kids
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy! In the last chapter, the generation K Tortalls graduated college and Kyprioth got engaged to Cece. Now, on with the story.

Kyprioth and Cece spend no time in trying for a baby, even though they haven't formally tied the knot.
A lullaby sounded and we all know what that means.
Kyprioth and Cece spend no time in trying for a baby, even though they haven't formally tied the knot.
A lullaby sounded and we all know what that means.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Chapter 10.5 - Trickster Trouble
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Kyprioth is handsome!
Chapter 10.4 - Far East Here We Come
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
The Tortalls have gone on a Far East vacation and Kyprioth learns to teleport.
Chapter 10.3 - A Bit of This and That
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Ame soon gave birth to a baby girl named Kinki.
Chapter 10.2 - Whose Kids Are They?
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Inkblot and Tink's affair that went farther than Inkblot wanted resulted in Tink getting pregnant and then giving birth to a baby girl named Jane.
Chapter 10.1 - Cheating Hearts
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Halef pulls off some great smustle faces.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Chapter 9.4 - Managing Large Dorms at University
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Since there are a lot of Tortalls this generation, I'm going to reintroduce all of them. Some LTW's may have changed due to Bon Voyage resetting CC and I do have some hacks that affect LTW's.
This is Jonathon
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Golden Anniversary
Personality: 1/9/9/10/1
Chapter 9.3 - Unexpected Visitors
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy.
We start off with the birth of twins. Inkblot is holding Josua. Josua is named after the captain of the guard at Pirates' Swoop in Trickster's Choice of the Daughter of the Lioness books.
Jen is holding Joesh. Joesh is named after the Falcon of Shang in The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, third book in the Song of the Lioness Quartet.
Chapter 9.2 - Family Ties
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. We start off with Meghan and Halef aging to elder.
Chapter 9.1 - Toddler Troubles
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. Inkblot and Jen moving in brought in enough money that I remade the house.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Chapter 8.3 - A New Beginning
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy!
When I recreated them, I didn't give them their money back. This is the downgrade.
Chapter 8.2 - The Ghosts Strike Back
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. This is what the neighborhood looks like at the current time.
Chapter 8.1 - Return of the Ghosts
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Halef pictured here after his make over. He's handsome.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Chapter 7.3 - A Chief and Two Horses
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Halef gets his first kiss from Meadow Thayer.
Chapter 7.2 - The Dearly Departed
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
George got to teach Hakuin to talk.
Chapter 7.1 - A Thief is Crowned
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
"I bet you are wondering why I am vampire now when I wasn't the last time you saw me."
The readers are, not me.
"... Anyway, let me tell you how I ended up a vampire and a bit of my life after that before you go start with the legacy update."
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Chapter 6.3 - Family Reunion
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy!
George was a nice big brother and taught Brooke to walk.
Chapter 6.1 - A Thief is Born
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy.
Frolic still loves playing in the tub. I really hoped she would have outgrown that hobby.
"Me, outgrow a hobby of playing? You have got to be kidding me."
Monday, September 5, 2016
Chapter 5.3 - College Madness
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy!
Fleetfoot and Faithful continue in the Tortall tradition of loving to pillow fight.
Chapter 5.1 - Twins and More Twins
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
And just like they had a whirlwind romance in college, they've quickly jumped to tying the knot.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Chapter 4.3 - Yet Another Short College Chapter
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy! Here is Chad teaching Evin how to study.
Chapter 4.1 - The Haunted Kitchen
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy.
Cloud just got home reaching the top of the culinary track and is now therefore permaplat!
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Chapter 3 - Redo!
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortalls. I bet you're wondering why I have a picture of University for the first picture when the last chapter was a college chapter and I bet you're wondering about the title.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Chapter 2.2 - Another Short College Chapter
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter, Cloud and Chenaol both went off to college. And it appears while Cloud (on top) has some fashion sense, her sister Chenaol does not.
Chapter 2.1 - Births and Deaths
Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy. In the last chapter Baird went to and graduated from college. It's now time to see how he's fairing back at home.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Chapter 1.2 - The Almost Nonexistent Gen B College Chapter
"What are you doing here? I thought we got rid of you when Baird, Buri, and Claire graduated?"
Chapter 1.1 - A Speedy Beginning

Aly Tortall always lived under the shadow of her famous mother, Alanna Tortall. One day, Aly decided to go out on her own and become famous. She moved to the small country of Mountain Valley to start a life on her own.
A "Note" on the Old Chapters
Putting up my legacy here due to the Sims 2 site being down for good.
That being said, I have 30+ chapters and I do not wish to edit them all. And if I edit one, I have to edit them all. So, chapters will be posted as is, with only the glaring mistakes corrected. And for the earlier chapters (Generation A through middle of generation N), I no longer have original copies of the pictures, since the hard drive the legacy was originally on died. I do have ONE neighborhood folder that I had from a back up so I haven't lost the legacy, but I lost a lot of the earlier pictures. I have to use the poor Exchange quality pictures. So the formatting does look off.
One chapter between Gen A and Gen M was lost due to corruption. As I do not have pictures for that time period anymore I will just make a mention of that chapter and the gist of what happened.
I also don't want to edit because I want to be able to look back and go: hey, look where I am compared to where I've started. If I edit it, I lose that ability.
Keep in mind that the first chapters were originally posted in the summer of 2006. Before I learned things like walls up, plumbobs up, turn quality as high as it will go, etc, etc. So please excuse the mistakes of a storytelling novice. I promise the formatting, the text, and the pictures WILL get better. So please give my legacy a chance. Even though I do take forever to get updates out, it was mostly due to my aging desktop and not me being bored with the legacy. I swear I will be finishing this legacy. Hopefully with my new desktop, I'll be able to play more and not get frustrated as quickly and run off to do other things.
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