Ozorne was a great big brother to Onua and was constantly playing with her. Nuritin and Sly were grateful that he was not being a mean older brother.
Soon Nuritin discovered that she was pregnant again.
Onua soon became a cute child.
Ozorne also grew older and became a handsome teenager. Especially so since he's grown more into his eyes and nose.
Ozorne's aspiration is Popularity and he wants to be a Media Magnate.
Being a teenager did not stop Ozorne from interacting with his younger sister. Nuritin and Sly just hoped it was that way between Ozorne and Onua with their unborn sibling.
Typical breakfast at the Tortall residence. This would be the last time that all Tortalls could eat breakfast at the same time for a while.
Because Nuritin gave birth to a baby girl later that morning. They named her Oranie.
Oranie is named after Oranie of Mindelan. Oranie of Mindelan is one of Keladry of Mindelan's older sisters.
Not long after the birth of Oranie, Marek and Kelli became elders. Unlike some elders, turning elder did not drastically change their looks.
Soon Oranie herself grew older and became a toddler.
Her personality is: 2/7/7/5/8.
Nuritins aunts and uncles still came over regularly to socialize. Ozorne was also stepping into his role as an older brother and was helping Oranie learn to talk.
When Oranie wasn't learning the skills she needed, she was playing. She would sometimes play by herself and other time she would play with Ozorne.
Kelli and Marek remained close and very much in love. Kelli enjoyed getting Marek to work on his logic skill, though he was not stranger to the skill.
Oranie soon aged into a very adorable child.
Since all of her kids were now child age or older, Nuritin decided to get them enrolled in private school. Due to her monetary and political connections, Nuritin was able to secure all three kids spots in private school.
Soon Onua aged to a teenager and she is gorgeous.
Onua's aspiration is: Knowledge and she wants to be a Game Designer
[It should be noted that her eyes are still the alien eyes, for some reason the mod I have that unlocks them for all ages does not work for teenagers. I have since downloaded contacts that fix the appearance.]
Marek and Kelli continued to be madly in love with each other and had no issue embarrassing the others by dancing in the kitchen.
Ozorne and Onua continued to be close as teenagers.
Nuritin was soon high enough in her career to take home a cowplant. She enjoyed feeding it.
And not long after that Oranie aged to teenager.
Her aspiration is: Romance and she wants to be an Education Minister.
And that's it for this chapter! Stay tuned for future updates to see what happens next!
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