Just a normal evening at the Tortalls. The girls working on homework and Kyprioth, Generation K heir over visiting.
Marek and Kyprioth remain close even though Kyprioth no longer lives there and even though it is odd for both of them given that Kyprioth despite being Marek's grandfather is younger than Marek.
Nuritin and Lana's behavior does not surprise me. Nuritin's not very nice gossiping about Ozorne. And knowing Nuritin, it's not about something good.
Lana sure enjoys having a son to raise.
Nuritin is never easy to get along with and is constantly arguing with the others in the house.
Petranne and Pembery remain close.
Nuritin can only successfully cheat against her grandchildren.
Peachblossom aged to child. He's adorable. He has elf ears like his mother Lana.
Nuritin still knows how to pull off faces.
Nuritin and Peachblossom head off to the gaming secret lot since Nuritin had a membership. Only time any of the Tortalls ever went to a secret lot.
Peachblossom quickly excels in school. I also find Peachblossom very cute and took way too many pictures of him.
Lana working her way up the Natural Science career.
Marek and Sly enjoy reading to pass the time.
Petranne, Pembery, and Peachblossom get enrolled in private school after successfull wooing the headmaster.
I don't know what Nuritin was thinking. There's no way she was going to be successful against a knowledge Sim. And the game hadn't even started before she tried to cheat so the bored wasn't even complicated yet.
Petranne and Peachblossom continue to get along well.
Marek and Kelli are still madly in love with each other.
And here's the reason for the chapter name. I have ACR installed as well as a mod that allows for more than 8 Sims to live in the house at one time. I wasn't watching the two carefully when they went off to woohoo autonomously. I don't remember if they were actively trying or if it was a risky woohoo success, but Lana is indeed pregnant. I wasn't too pleased.
And I'll leave off this chapter with my two favorite Generation P Sims hugging each other.
Find out how many kids Lana has in the chapters to come. And if they surprise me with anymore pregnancies.
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