Starting off with a spare update. Kinki Tortall gave birth to twins Kainoah and Kalani. She knew that this would mean that she wouldn't be able to romance as many people as she used to. She did keep up with it to some degree to keep an ear out for information on those wishing harm to her family.
Kinki found herself enjoying raising her kids more than she thought.
Soon her kids were child age and it was clear who their father was. It was indeed the person she thought it had been.
Back at the main legacy lot, Marek and Maura arrived home. Marek found comfort in Loey running up to him to greet him. He just hoped they would be safe here.
Marek and Maura wasted no time getting Kelli and Jace moved in and tying the knot with their respective significant other. They both opted for no ceremony to not draw too much unwanted attention to the family. And to mask the true heir from the eyes of the rival thieves gang.
Soon, the group adjusted to life in the somewhat crowded house. However, it wasn't any more crowded than it had been before Marek and Maura had gone off to college, it was just a lot less noisy since there weren't six teenagers running around.
It did not take long for Maura and Kelli to both find out that they were pregnant. The women were a bit worried about their unborn children given the risk to the family but knew if they did nothing it would mean the rival thieves won.
Kyprioth and Cece were very much still in love and Kyprioth had no problems with showing it off. He was also glad that both he and Cece still were in good health
Lianne and Meg were just as loving to each other as Kyprioth and Cece were.
Jace soon decided to get a job. He had initially planned to lay low to avoid anyone being able to use him against Maura, but he couldn't stand doing nothing.
Marek was spending time on the telescope gaining knowledge, when he got abducted.
It wasn't very long after that when Maura gave birth to a baby boy named Nathan.
Jace got a call one morning and when he picked it up, he was told that Maura's time was almost up. He just hung up the phone without saying anything and went and told Kyprioth and Marek about it. He didn't want to worry Maura or her parents, but he felt people had to know.
Lianne wasn't as oblivious to the situation as she let on. But she figured she'd let the boys think they were successful in keeping her out of the loop. She was going to focus on enjoying her time as a grandparent.
Kelli soon gave birth to twins Nariko and Nealan.
Nariko is the Yamani trainer who trained both Keladry and Hakuin. She is also the training master for Yamani.
Nealan is named after Nealan "Neal" of Queenscove. He's Baird's son and Dom's cousin. He was the page sponsor of and friend to Keladry.
Marek soon discovered that when the aliens abducted him, they impregnated him. Kyprioth reminded him that was normal and he has a number of relatives that were the result of alien abductions.
Marek spent his maternity leave caring for his twins and trying to worry about Maura too much. The latter he didn't feel he was being very successful at.
Nathan soon aged to toddler. Nathan's personality is: 10/10/2/10/1
The twins aged up as well.
Nariko's personality is: 5/6/9/8/7.
Nealan's personality is: 8/1/6/3/10.
One of the thieves out to get Maura cased the place to make sure the heiress was still living at the house.
She caught a glimpse of Maura through one of the windows and knew the plot would soon be put in place. They know knew that Maura definitely lived there.
Kypiroth, Marek, and Jace, often had meetings discussing the situation. Seeing what information Marek had gathered from the thieves he monitored and if they had heard anything else from the rival thieves. They were also trying to figure out a way to protect the children should the thieves attack the house. Who would they trust with the four elligible heirs to Aly's legacy?
After a while it was decided to contact Mequen to see if he would be willing to take in the kids should anything happen to the adults at the main legacy lot. Mequen said they would be fine, but that he would care for them if the worse came to pass.
Jace worried about the plan, though. It hinged on them knowing in advance when an attack would happen. If they were caught by surprise he worried that the kids would be hurt or killed int he ensuing fight. Especially if they were still too young to escape without help.
Lianne tried to keep a smile on her face around the toddlers to keep them from being scared in their own house. She wished a solution would come up to their situation. They couldn't live like this forever.
Soon Marek was giving birth. He also gave birth to twins and like Kelli, gave birth to one girl and one boy. The girl was named Nuritin and the boy was named Numair.
Numair is the mentor to Daine and teaches her how to use her wild magic.
Nuritin was in charge of the raka part of the rebellion in the Daughter of the Lioness quartet.
Shortly after Numair and Nuritin's birth, Loey died of old age. The family was heartbroken.
The family moved on and continued to raise the kids, the worry of pending trouble always in the back of their minds.
Cece died later in the week. Kyprioth was heartbroken. He had wanted to die at the same time as his wife so that neither of them had to live without the other. But he supposed it was better her than him living without the other given the current situation.
Cece Tortall: spouse to generation K heir
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Criminal Mastermind (Met).
Children: Lalasa, Lianne, Lindhall
Grandchildren: Myles, Maude, Mithros, Mequen, Maura, Marek, Cole, Kelra
Great-Grandchildren: Nathan, Nariko, Nealan, Numair, Nuritin
The family took Cece's death hard. Kyprioth comforted Nealan for both of their comfort.
Soon the kids had all aged up. Nathan, Nealan, and Nariko became kids and Numair and Nuritin became toddlers. All were very adorable.
Numair's personality is: 7/2/8/10/7.
Nuritin's personality: 6/7/7/6/0.
Kinki occasionally came over. She came over shortly after Cece's death to give her condolences and to pass on intelligence she had gathered since her last visit. Kyprioth was grateful for Kinki putting herself in danger to get intelligence.
Jace loved to play with his nephews and hoped to one day experience something like Marek in the future when the future didn't look so bleak for Maura.
Marek loved giving his kids all the attention they wanted.
Marek still had doubts in his mind about how many would die if the rival thieves tried to take over the thieves group he ran.
Nathan playing with the kitten they got to replace Loey.
[I forgot the cat's name]
The twins soon aged to children as well and are both adorable.
And that's it for the chapter!
And then the neighborhood started showing signs of corruption. Likely due to errors made when I remade the neighborhood the first time. They weren't interfering with game play, but I decided to fix the issue now before the issues developed.
So the family gets recreated yet again in another neighborhood. And by the time I got the neighborhood recreated, I was ready to move on to the next generation so the rival thieves guild plot got dropped.
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