Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortalls. I bet you're wondering why I have a picture of University for the first picture when the last chapter was a college chapter and I bet you're wondering about the title.
Let's just say I should have known something was off when Stella Terrano went translucent.
Cloud and Xavier married, had 5 kids (Dom, Darkness, Daine, Dunevon, and Dove). Dove was heiress. I sent them to college with their aunt and uncle (Coram & Cythera). About half way through University, I loaded up the dorm where I had Dove, Dunevon, and one other Tortall, but not Dom. They were standing outside of the dorm like I had just moved them, which I had not.
After I fully discovered what had happened, here is what had changed: Dom, Darkness, Daine, Dunevon, AND Dove forgot ALL family ties. Forgot their parents entirely. Only knew the Sims on the lot. It would seem they just came out of CAS, except for 2 things. Their aspirations and personality. Their aspirations were all for the most part non-existent or grow up. Everyone's personality was also the following: 0/0/0/0/0.
At this point, I'm panicking. Cloud was an elder by the time her five kids went to Uni. So I couldn't have her just pop out another kid. Chenaol had been placed on a non-legacy lot and therefore not allowed. Cythera and Coram glitched out like their nieces and nephews. Removing any gen C member from restarting. Baird is obviously an elder and Claire is almost one. And if I was going to give birth to new gen C Sims, I'd want more than one so Claire wouldn't work. Buri was off the legacy lot. That left Brokefang and Black God. Who are still in Uni and could have gotten hit by the glitch that got the gen D Tortalls. I load up their lot and they're fine as was Marsha. Which would be a lot to redo. Two full generations, plus getting Brokefang and Black God through university in the first place.
Then, I found a back up. Cloud was a teenager. Which was still a lot to redo. At last I found a much better back up: 2 gen D kids born and Cloud was pregnant with #3. Hence the title for this chapter as I had to redo this generation. And now, onto the story.
The Tortalls moved to a new house. Cythera is being potty trained by Claire.
Cloud and Xavier finally tied the knot, without causing Cloud to lose aspiration level.
Coram's birthday came at the new house!
He is an aspiring family Sim with the LTW of graduating three Sims from college.
Cythera is also having her birthday!
She's still cute! Maybe she will live up to her namesake of being Prime Minister Gareth of Naxen the younger's wife.
I, the author, missed getting Cloud's first pregnancy on picture. Therefore, here she is giving birth.
She gave birth to a baby boy named Dom.
Dom is named after a sergeant in the First Squad of the King's Own headed up by Lord Sir Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak.
Xavier is actually making himself useful!
Dom's birthday!
He's cute, even though he has no nose. Dom is a Gemini with the personality of 3/7/6/9/1*.
Baird teaching Dom to use the potty.
Cloud appears to be pregnant again. Either that or food poisoning.
Cythera became a fortune Sim with the LTW to become a business tycoon.
Dom's birthday again! And it looks like Cloud is indeed pregnant.
Dom's still cute!
Baby bump number 2, because I missed the first.
Cloud is giving birth with a family friend over.
Cloud gave birth to another boy, which was named Darkness.
Darkness is the name of Prince Jonathon's horse in the Song of the Lioness.
And shortly after the birth of Darkness, Coram and Cythera got sent off to University.
And well, nothing happened between Darkness's birth and his birthday. So here he is. He's adorable! Darkness is an aquarius Sim with the personality 3/4/6/2/10**.
Claire is an elder now. She looks good as an elder.
Chenaol is over and she is on the piano. These guys are addicted to the piano!
Baird getting use of elixir so that he and his wife will be closer in age.
Dom living up to his namesake, by being a bit mischievous.
Cloud is pregnant again! Judging by size, I'd guess she's on baby bump number 2.
[And this is the first picture that came from the redo of the generation. Cloud went blonde via a glitch I never bothered to correct. For some reason when I put the back up in, she was an elder and when I aged her back down, her hair went to the blonde version of this hair and not the black.]
Darkness has been potty trained!
It's Darkness's birthday!
Darkness is cute, even with his slightly huge eyes.
Dom sure loves to play video games while his family watches!
Trash compactor broke.
Cloud is giving birth!
And Cloud gave birth to her first girl, Daine.
Daine is named after the wildmage in the Immortals Quartet named Veralidaine "Daine" Sarrasri. Daine could talk to and transform into animals.
And yet again, it's Dom's birthday. And Darkness sure can jump.
Dom is a pleasure Sim with the LTW to have 50 dream dates.
Grim Reaper came for Baird later that night.
Baird Tortall- generation B heir
Namesake- Duke Baird of Queenscove, the chief healer of Tortall
Aspiration- Knowledge
LTW- Criminal Mastermind (met)
Wife- Claire [McCleallan] Tortall
Children- Cloud Tortall, Chenaol Tortall, Coram Tortall, Cythera Tortall
Grandchildren (born while he was alive)- Dom Tortall, Darkness Tortall, Daine Tortall
The entire family was devasted, but I think the son-in-law cried the most.
Daine's birthday!
Daine has the same genetics as Dom but has the personality: 3/7/9/6/1*.
Daine's first word was Daddy.
Daine loves playing with the bunny. Her brothers and ancestors loved playing with the xylophone.
Cloud is pregnant again!
Claire's friend Marsha Bruenig is over!
Daine has been potty trained!
Cloud is giving birth!
Xavier would rather sleep, apparently.
Cloud gave birth to another girl they named Dove!
Dove is the name of the second child of the Balitang family, Dovasary. She is half raka, half laurian. Raka and Laurian are two different ethnicities on the Copper Isles, which is where Dove lives.
Xavier giving Daine a bottle.
Daine's birthday!
Daine is cute! And grew into a pretty good outfit as well.
The old house was getting glitchy, so I moved the family.
Cloud is pregnant again!
Darkness's birthday!
Darkness is a fortune Sim with the LTW to own 5 top level businesses.
Dove's birthday!>
Dove has the same facial genetics as Darkness. She has the personality: 3/4/2/6/10.**
Aly promptly scares Darkness.
Claire teaches Daine to study.
Second bump!
At a downtown spot for shopping, Daine meets her Aunt Chenaol.
Daine loves to play with the speaker's platform. Goes along with her toddler obsession with the bunny head.
Xavier taught Dove to talk!
Daine dreams of contacting her grandfather.
Cloud is giving birth!
And the fifth and final child for this generation is Delia.
Delia is the name of a lady that caused many fights among the male squires in In the Hand of the Goddess.
Cloud teacing Dove to use the potty!
And this marks the point where I got and installed Glamour Life Stuff.
Apparently, the Tortalls still have a piano addiction.
Delia's birthday!
And Delia is basically a clone of her mother except for skin color, eye color, and eye shape.
Delia is a Gemini with the personality 5/7/10/4/4.
Dove's birthday!
Not the worst outfit she could have grown into. However, her eyes are still a bit big for her face.
As I, the author, was having trouble dealing with the number of Sims on the lot, Bonedancer the cowplant got to eat Claire.
Claire [McClellan] Tortall- spouse to gen 2 heir
Aspiration- Popularity
LTW- Celebrity Chef (not met)
Husband- Baird Tortall
Children- Coram Tortall, Cythera Tortall
Xavier brought home Goopy. I thought the two romance Sims would get along nicely, which they did.
Xavier just now became an elder. He has a want to become Goopy's best friend. As the clothing choice he had was not good, he got to change first.
Daine's birthday!
Like her brother Dom, Daine is a pleasure Sim. However, she wants to be a celebrity chef. Which almost made 3 Tortalls in the house with that LTW (Claire, Cloud, and Daine).
Delia's birthday!
Not too bad as a child. I gave Xavier the best male clothes in the house for elders. Which happened to be the male military outfit granted to the house via Amin Sims.
Cloud aged to an elder. She doesn't look too bad for an elder, if you ignore her bad outfit choice.
Dom and Daine pillow fighting and starting a generation long tradition of Tortalls to pillow fight. I got new outfits for the Tortall teens.
Xavier stargazing. Thank goodness he's an elder.
Dom's birthday!
Not bad, not bad at all. Dom definitely is a handsome adult.
Delia's birthday!
Delia is pretty! And she is a family Sim with the LTW to graduate 3 Sims from college.
And this is where the story ends for this chapter!
Author's Notes:
*Dom and Daine are technically clones of each other facial feature and personality wise. However, since the chapters were initially released I've had to rebuild the neighborhood due to corruption and I used the opportunity to change the personalities up some.
**I rolled the same number of times for Darkness and for Dove. So I just moved the random generator the same spots over and got clones again. And when I did the rebuild I also changed their personalities up some.
I did do editing of this chapter. Mostly removing narrator and Sim chit chat and slides that I felt at this point were pointless.
This is also the first generation, and the only generation so far, where the kids did not go to University. I was too afraid at the time that whatever caused the game to glitch out like it did would happen again and there would be no bad effect on my Sims except for the memory.
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