Despite their differing personalities, Petranne and Pembery were friendly with each other.
Nuritin enjoyed spoiling her grandchildren and hoped that Onua and Lana would give her many more.
Soon, Onua disovered that she was pregnant.
And this was when Beka got deactivated. She flirted with Kelli. I had let her flirt with a random townie passing by and then Beka thought it was fine to flirt with everyone else. Luckily, no one witnessed it and Kelli never talked about it. Beka couldn't as she was deactivated.
Lana enjoyed playing with her kids and helping them to learn their skills.
Soon Petranne and Pembery were children. Petranne aging into one of the hidden tops that you can't buy. It's like the game knew I was going for a punk look with Petranne. Pembery had to be taken Downtown to find a good outfit for her.
Nuritin constantly thought that she could pull off cheating against her father Marek. She never could successfully cheat against him.
Soon Onua gave birth to a baby boy (and I promptly forgot to get any pictures of him during his days as a baby). He was named Peachblossom.
Peachblossom is named after the warhorse of the namesake of Generation K spare Keladry.
Petranne was an amazing older sister to Peachblossom
Pembery and Petranne continue to get along amazingly despite their continued differing personalities.
The Generation P Tortalls spend a lot of their spare time playing with each other. It differs from previous generations where they would just play the computer or watch tv.
Marek enjoys playing with his great-grandchildren. This pictures also shows four generations of Tortalls in one room. And Beka has been reactivated and closely watched.
Onua topped the Gamer career and has achieved her LTW of being a Game Designer. Her new LTW is to be a Mad Scientist
Family picture showing the Tortalls as they are.
Peachblossom's personality is: 10/3/4/8/10.
Marek being a wonderful great-grandparent and helping to potty train Peachblossom. As it's obvious here a no censor mod has been installed. I hated how the toddlers would be all covered up by the censor.
And that's it for this chapter! Find out what else is in store for the Tortalls in chapters to come!
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