I swear, I've got pants on. I'm Kainoah Tortall. Son of Kinki Tortall, generation K spare. And I'll be narrating the college chapter of the Tortalls.
My stats, as the Creator calls them, are:
Kainoah Tortall
Fortune - Mad Scientist
Personality: 7/9/3/5/3
Nuritin didn't really hit it off with the only non-Tortall in our dorm, Sly Simmer. I do hope those two don't end up fighting, but it could just be that Nuritin is tired of wearing that orange shirt and wants to quickly be out of it.
Sly Simmer
Knowledge - The Law
Personality: 3/7/3/5/7
Cole Tortall thought he could get away with cheating against mean logical Nuritin.
Nuritin Tortall
Popularity - Ecological Guru
Personality: 6/7/7/6/0
My twin sister, Kalani Tortall, and Nariko quickly decided to play a game of darts to avoid the shouting match Cole and Nuritin were about to do.
Kalani Tortall
Popularity - Rock God
Personality: 7/7/3/5/3
Nariko Tortall
Fortune - Business Tycoon
Personality: 5/6/9/8/7
Nealan and Numair did some talking in the dorm's cafeteria. Something about who their father wanted to be heir. Seemed to be some disagreement between the two of if Numair and Nuritin should be considered since that would mean Kelli was just there as a throwaway. Numair disagreed and said that anyone who was a decedent of all of the heirs was eligible. Which included himself and Nuritin.
Nathan Corsillo assuring Numair that should he or Nuritin be heir that he would be behind them 100%.
Nathan Corsillo
Family - Visionary
Personality: 10/10/2/10/1
Numair talked to Cole about it and Cole said he didn't want to get in the middle of it. He was friends with both Numair and Nealan and he didn't want to lose a friend just because of a disagreement on who should be heir.
Cole Tortall
Pleasure - Mayor
Personality: 4/10/10/10/1
Son of Lindhall Tortall, generation L spare, and Brie Tortall, daughter of Hoshi Tortall
Kelra did find some difficuly learing logic, but that was mostly because the only person who would play against her was Nuritin and Nuritin wasn't always very nice.
Kelra Tortall
Family - Chief of Staff
Personality: 4/9/10/4/8
Cole Tortall's twin sister
Nealan for the most part kept to himself after the major argument between him and Numair. I think he regrets blowing up at his younger brother but doesn't know how to apologize.
Nealan Tortall
Family - Game Designer
Personality: 8/1/6/3/10
Anyone could have told you that Kalani's 3 nice points and Nuritin's lack thereof were just not going to mesh well. They also just had nothing in common and ended up just fighting over stupid stuff. Though, Nuritin was not above poking her distant relative if she felt like it.
Nealan did attempt to keep the two from interacting some, but I told him every time that it wasn't going to work and that Kalani was just going to snap at him every time.
Nuritin and Sly soon were crushing on each other, though I missed the whole lead up to it. I was more worried about Nuritin and Kalani going at it to notice those two falling in love.
Nuritin and Cole did end up eating breakfast together sometimes. It was then that Nuritin stated that she had heard word from home that she was heiress.
Cole had suggested she talk to her brothers about it so that those two would at least start talking to each other again. Or duke it out, he added in considering Nuritin didn't have any nice points.
Nuritin took him up on it and had a talk with her brothers the next day about their father's decision.
And we all graduated with 4.0 GPA's and we aged into horrendous clothes.
And that's it for this chapter!
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