Marek comforted himself by caring for Piers.
Piers soon aged to a toddler.
His personality is: 4/7/9/8/7.
Marek then thought of the perfect solution to the lack of someone to love problem. Adopting a cat. I do not remember what he or she was named.
Nuritin loved her grandson and loved to spend time with him.
Piers loved the kitten.
Just a normal afternoon at the Tortalls. Lana playing the computer and the twins doing homework.
The kitten soon became a cat. What kind, I do not know.
Peachblossom aged to teenager.
His aspiration is Family and he wants to graduate 3 kids from University. Completely doable if he's heir.
Onua teaching Piers to walk.
Kelli haunting the place.
Marek playing with Piers
Peachblossom asked the gypsy for a date, I think.
Marek died that afternoon.
Marek Tortall: generation M heir
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: Visionary (met)
Wife: Kelli
Children: Nealan, Nariko, Numair, Nuritin
Grandchildren (while alive): Ozorne, Onua, Oranie
Great grandchildren (while alive): Petranne, Pembery, Peachblossom, Piers
Petranne was devastated at the loss of Marek.
Piers aged to an adorable child the next day.
Peachblossom stepped up and was a good brother to siblings Petranne and Piers while his family grieved over the loss of Marek.
And that's it for this chapter. Find out what else is in store for the Tortalls in chapters to come.
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