Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy! Here is Chad teaching Evin how to study.
Daine playing chess with Evin, and obviously cheating. And in the background it appears like Eleni has found a love. Thanks to Daine's thought bubble, we can't see who it is.
Evin accepting the groceries from Marylena, the grocery lady.
Generation E got into private school. And Evin looks very handsome in his uniform.
Vala and Jump are old dogs now.
Cloud still likes to make her presence known.
Evin likes to play with the podium like several Tortalls before him.
Evin aged into a handsome toddler and is mostly a clone of his father. He is also a knowledge Sim and also has the LTW to maximize all 7 skills.
It was at this point I sent them to college. Eleni was getting pretty close to aging up as were Daine and Chad.
Eleni on the far left, then Eda, and finally Evin. They are all good looking and Eda is the heiress of the generation.
The Tortalls will pillow fight anywhere at anytime wearing anything. They are addicted to pillow fighting.
Soon Eda met Jenn. Jenn is the simself of one of the founders of boolprop.com, Jennifer.
The two quickly got to know each other better and soon Eda got her first kiss.
And soon they began a romance in which one thing led to another.
And one morning Eda proposed to Jenn. Jenn accepted the proposal.
When they aren't pillow fighting or building lasting relationships, the Tortalls are working towards getting 4.0's.
Most times, Tortalls end up as best friends before college when I have so few kids in a generation. However due to Eleni and Evin's age difference, they didn't really have time to do that. But they managed to become best friends before graduating.
And soon, they graduated. All got 4.0's. And Eda showed that she doesn't really have much fashion sense.
And here is where this chapter ends.
Author's Notes:
Eda and Jenn mark my first ever same sex couple in my game. Ever.
This also marks the first time I really start downloading mods for things that don't just fix glitches such as the same-sex pregnancy hack by TwoJeffs.
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