Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall legacy.
Eda loves playing with the dogs.
And the kitchen is still buggy.
Nolan spooked Daine and she had low hunger. Luckily Chad was home and not off at work as he pleaded with the reaper. And luckily, he won.
The next day, Eda aged to a child. Since the outfit wasn't ugly, I let her keep it.
Eleni then aged up to teenager. She is a knowledge Sim with the LTW to be a Hall of Famer. She's definitely pretty.
Around this time, I'm trying to get Daine pregnant with child number 3. But it's failing. I don't know why for about 3 Sim days. Then Vala gives birth to four puppies. Three females (Rini, Mizuki, and Crown) and one male (Tahoi).
Eleni got the job of teaching Eda how to study.
And this picture of two of the puppies eating was just too cute to pass on posting.
Dom, Dove, and Delia came over. Eleni and Delia are friends enough to pillow fight.
I had just installed Pets at the time for the most part and didn't really know about the Sim + Pets number limit. Which I hit when the puppies were born. But I had been stumped at the lack of ability to TFB. At the time, I called it a glitch and got a hack that allowed for more than than 10 Sims + Pets on the lot. And Daine and Chad took advantage of that and tried for a baby.
Eda playing the piano like several of her relatives before her has.
And the puppies aged up to adults. In order from top to bottom, left to right: Tahoi, Rini, Mizuki, Crown.
Chad got the science career reward and began to experiment with it.
Soon Daine began to show. Baby number 3 was definitely on his or her way now.
The ghosts on the lot are still fairly active. They'll even wake up the sleeping residents to scare them.
Chad petting the leader of the pack, Ronroneo. I was attempting to get Chad to become a werewolf but Ronroneo didn't bite him and didn't come back that often.
Eda soon aged to teenager. She is a fortune Sim with the LTW to love 20 Sims. Yes, that's what she first rolled. I did not have any LTW related mods so I deemed it a glitch and rerolled her LTW. It then turned to become a Hall of Famer. Just like her older sister.
Baby bump #2 soon made it's presence known.
And it's not just one ghost causing problems. More than one ghost is. Though one could argue it's not really a problem for Eleni who enjoys seeing ghosts.
Soon Daine gave birth to her first son. He was named Evin. Evin has brown hair, skin tone #1, and Daine's eye color.
Evin is named after Evin Larse. Evin Larse was one of the King's Own trainees who later became a member of the King's Own.
Eleni being a great big sister by feeding Evin.
Soon Evin grew into a toddler. He has elf ears. His personality is 5/5/7/2/8.
And this is where the chapter will end.
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