Welcome back to another chapter of the Tortall Legacy!
Fleetfoot and Faithful continue in the Tortall tradition of loving to pillow fight.
Jenn is now an elder and she still looks pretty!
Frostfur, Frolic, and Faithful were then sent off to college. Frostfur and Faithful because their aspirations made it so if they did not go they would most likely fear not going. Frolic is going because she is the heiress and she has the LTW to have 20 best friends.
Since Faithful was the only one who really didn't have a decent outfit upon aging up got a new outfit.
Frolic working on her term paper.
Frolic chatting with her younger sister, Feather. She is working on making another friend.
Frolic met Lycie on a downtown lot and now they are becoming friends.
Soon, Frolic had her first kiss.
And one thing led to another and soon she was making out with Lycie. Which made yet another best friend for her.
Pillow fighting leads to more best friends for Frolic.
It didn't take long for Frolic and Lycie to be in love.
"Lycie, will you marry me?"
"Of course I will!"
Frostfur chatting with one of her distant relatives, generation B spare Black God.
Who is still stuck in Uni.
Frostfur loves to cheat at chess.
And they graduated with 4.0's.
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