Petranne enjoyed showing off to anyone who would watch her. Usually ended up being Beka and/or Peachblossom.
Petranne and Peachblossom enjoying a favorite Tortall pastime.
Nuritin arguing with her daughter this time. Shockingly Nuritin is best friends with all of the adults and elders in the house. Despite arguing with them a lot.
Petranne aged to teenager.
Her aspiration is Pleasure and she wants to be a Media Magnate.
Pembery also aged to teenager and her aspiration is Popularity and she wants to be a Rock God.
I personally think Petranne and Pembery need to swap LTW's.
Petranne and Peachblossom still get along nicely.
Lana's finally showing.
Sly and Petranne bond over a game of chess.
Lana gives birth to a baby boy a couple of days later. His name is Piers.
Piers is named after Piers of Mindelan and is the father of the name sake of Generation K spare Keladry. He had 9 children including Keladry.
Marek doted on his fourth and hopefully final great-grandchild.
Kelli passed away the next day.
Kelli Tortall: spouse to gen M heir
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Max Out 7 Skills (not met, but was Plantinum at time of death)
Husband: Marek
Children: Nariko, Nealan, Nuritin (adopted), Numair (adopted)
Grandchildren (while alive): none biological: Ozorne, Onua, and Oranie are her adopted child's kids
Great grandchildren (while alive): none biolgoical: Petranne, Pembery, Peachblossom, and Piers are her adopted child's daughter's kids.
Marek was devasted at the loss of his wife. Petranne was there for her great-grandfather.
Petranne tried to make sure that Marek ate and that night made sure that someone made his favorite food: lobster thermidor.
Petranne herself missed her step-great-grandparent. Beka was also stepping up and helping out, repairing the dishwasher.
Despite putting up a strong front, Marek was despressed. He loved Kelli.
And that's it for this chapter. Will Marek live for much longer now that his wife has passed away? Find out in chapters to come!
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