"What are you doing here? I thought we got rid of you when Baird, Buri, and Claire graduated?"
"Story time, Marsha, story time" Yes this is Marsha Bruenig grown up. She has 2 outgoing points in my game, so she rarely calls.
"Marsha, how about you tell the story?"
(anything in quotes is the creator, not Marsha.)
(Brokefang and Black God are still in college acting as a place holder for these pictures)
Baird majored in Mathematics, Brokefang is studying Drama, Black God is studying Psychology, and Buri majored in Biology.
Buri fell in love with the maid, Remington, and had her first kiss with him.
He was the maid for the Tortalls when she was born, so I was questioning whether or not I should let this relationship continue or not. I am Buri's friend and all.
However, this random dormie named Marsha McAuley started picking fights with Claire, Baird's fiancee and winning. Claire is also my friend and I didn't like it either.
Marsha was pissing Remington off enough that they fought. Remington won, multiple times.
After many days of training Claire fought Marsha McAuley...
And won -- fair and square. I was proud of her.
So, I told Buri to pop the question to Remington. She did...
And he accepted!
Now, I have some studying to do, what with the final exams coming up. How about you go talk to Brokefang, he finished studying ages ago from what I hear.
"What do you want"
More on the heiress, Buri.
"Marsha told you Buri won the poll? If she did, she's lying. Baird won. I'll tell you about Baird though."
He loved cooking for Claire and Buri, the creator had too much stress with us living together so she split us up. I don't mind.
This is Baird's fiancee, a popularity girl named Claire McClellan. She's nice.
She grew into a lovely woman with a 4.0 GPA coming out of college.
And so did my little sis!
And of course, Baird did as well, being the knowledge Sim that he is.
Well, I've got to go. I need to shower before exams and Black God is taking forever. I need to yell at him.
Sorry for the short chapter. I lost the early days when they were together.
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