Lindhall and Brie got married.
And quickly began to try for a baby.
Brie gave birth to twins. First up is Cole. Who got his mother's skin and hair color and his grandmother's eye color.
Next born was Kelra Tortall. Kelra got her father's skin and her mother's hair and eye color.
They soon aged to toddlers. Kelra's personality: 4/9/10/4/8
Cole's personality: 4/10/10/10/1
Back at the legacy lot, Meg and Lianne get married.
And quickly try for a baby.
They adopt a puppy and name her Loey.
And baby bump! As well as building friendship count up for Meg's career.
Lianne soon gave birth to twins. First up is Myles.
Myles is named after the spymaster of Tortall.
Next up was Maude Tortall.
Maude is named after the midwife in Trebond who practically raised Alanna and Thom and taught them what she knew about the Gift [their version of magic], since both have it.
Loey grew up to into an adult dog.
Kyprioth calling old contacts.
Meg's LTW requires 13 friends in total. It's going to KILL me. Getting and maintaining friends is harder for me than the 10 kids impossible want. Shy Kyprioth does not like being told to talk on the phone.
However, shy Kyprioth makes a wonderful grandfather.
Meg and Lianne soon try for another baby.
This is Myles Tortall after his make over. I hope he grows into his cheeks.
Myles' personaity is: 5/5/9/8/1
And this is Maude. Hopefully she also grows into her cheeks.
Maude's personality is: 9/8/3/7/4
Meg is showing signs of being pregnant.
Kyprioth teaching Myles to walk while Cece teaches Maude to talk.
Meg and Lianne get potty training duty.
Dom Tortall, gen D spare, comes over for a visit.
Kyprioth teaches Myles to talk.
Dom does what Dom does best. Cheats at chess and gets caught by Ame.
And the twins are kids. Maude gets the wish to use the photo booth.
Myles is growing into his cheeks and is absolutely adorable.
Maude is also adorable.
Meg then gives birth.
To quadruplets.
Mithros is named after the patron god of Tortall (which I'll reiterate is a fake country and a fake religion) and is specifically the god of war and law.
Mequen was named after the head of the Balitang household. He played a role in rescuing Alianne (Aly) from the slave traders at the beginning of the Daughter of the Lionness series.
Maura is named after the heiress of the fief of Dunlath. She helped Daine and Numair throughout the 2nd book in The Immortals Quartet.
Marek is named after a thief who happens to be a knife master. He's considered to be second in command to George. He's also a long time rival and sometime friend of George. While they are rivals, Marek is loyal to George.
Family picture before things get too hectic.
Ame is being a wonderful great-grandparent.
She also has most of the friends of the family. Which could prove problematic if she dies before Meg tops her career.
Fall has arrived and the twins learn to study.
And just in time for the quads to age up to toddler.
First up is Mithros. Who is absolutely adorable.
Personality is: 9/9/2/10/1
Then Mequen. Who looks a little bit like a monkey due to those cheeks.
Personality: 5/8/4/5/4
Then was Maura. She's adorable, but she also has the cheeks.
Personality: 10/2/3/10/10
And last up was Marek. He is completely adorable.
Personality: 5/2/9/8/4
And that's it for this chapter!
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