Nuritin and Sly wasted no time in getting married and getting the honeymoon period started. They were also ready to start on producing the next generation.
It didn't take long for Sly to realize that their trying had been successful.
Three days later and the first of generation O was born. They named him Ozorne.
Ozorne is named after Emperor Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe, also known as the Emperor Mage. He ruled over the country of Carthak. He is the uncle of Kaddar Iliniat, the namesake of generation K spare Kaddar.
Nuritin and Kelly doted on the the first born of generation O.
Marek found time to entertain family from time to time. Recently he had family coming over to meet his grandson.
Soon Ozorne was a toddler and it was clear that he was a good blend of his mothers.
Ozorne's personality is 6/7/9/6/1.
Marek was helpful in the raising of Ozorne. He was more than happy to step in to help teach his grandson the skills he needed to be successful.
It wasn't long before Nuritin and Sly decided to try to give Ozorne a sibling.
Not longer after that Ozorne aged into a handsome child.
It was soon evident that the try for a baby was successful.
Three days later and Nuritin gave birth to a baby girl. Nuritin and Sly decided to name her Onua.
Onua is named after Onua Chamtong. Onua Chamtong is the Horsemistress of the Queen's Riders of Tortall. She gave Daine her first job. She is also best friends with Buriram Tourakom, the namesake of generation B spare Buri.
It wasn't long and Onua was a toddler.
Her personality is: 1/7/10/6/7.
Great-Uncle Mequen was constantly over to play with the youngest members of the Tortall family.
One afternoon at the Tortall residence Marek spent too long on the bike and gave himself heat stroke and died from it. The only adults home at the time were his wife Kelli and his daughter Nariko.
Luckily, Nariko was able to convince Grim Reaper to a game of chance to try to save her husband. And since the two were so in love with each other, the game of chance was favored to Kelli and she was successful in saving Marek.
Marek was grateful for Kelli saving him and promised to not spend as much time riding the bike. He did not want to have a repeat incident.
And that is it for this chapter! Will the third child of generation O be a boy or a girl? What other surprises does the game have in store for the Tortalls? Find out in chapters to come!
Author's Note: I was totally shocked when Marek keeled over dead on the FreeTime exercise bike. I didn't see Marek go use the bike at all. I suddenly got pulled over to where he was and he was balled up on the ground dead. Luckily Kelli was home and not at work as she's got the highest relationship with Marek. Ever since then, I do not let Sims use the FreeTime exercise bike for longer than is necessary to get their Body skill up to where it needs to be.
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